A few days ago, I made my position clear about the selection process (see statement below) and I stated that by today I will make my position clear. I have also released a video, below are my primary reasons for backing Apsana Begum.

In consultation with members in Mile End, and Whitechapel I have decided to change the stance from neutral to a positive position to actively campaign for Apsana Begum. A large part of the decision is due to the reason, after seeing ordinary Labour Party members receiving threats from people close to the Amina Ali campaign and also my self receiving threats on my phone and social media account.

Both Amina and Apsana are Momentum members. But it’s the behaviour of people in Amina’s campaign is partially responsible for me to publicly come out for Apsana.

Previous Statement – Last Saturday – Poplar and Limehouse MP Selections What do We Do?

This has been the most difficult period in my political life. Since the shortlist for Poplar and Limehouse was announced, for Labour prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC),  I have had phone calls, WhatsApp messages, text messages, from members, from Bromley to Wapping mainly BAME, expressing their anger and frustration of the treatment of their democratic rights by the Labour Party hierarchy vis a vis the selection process this October.

For members, this is not a one-off incident, but one in a series of incidents going back over 20 years. That members of the Tower Hamlets Labour Party do not have the same rights as afforded to Labour Party members elsewhere.

As a campaigner for grassroots empowerment, the Corbyn project entails much more than just better jobs, higher pay and stronger public services.

Rather, it is about the total reconfiguration of society towards democracy – the Labour Party must be at the heart of this process. My record in the party and in the Council, are a practical implementation of the above principle.

As Secretary of Whitechapel Labour and Councillor in Mile End, I will be contacting members, to ascertain thier views in the meantime will adopt a neutral position giving access to both campaigns. As both Amina Ali and Apsana Begum are members of Momentum. Although I am closer to Apsana as we both worked closely together in TH Momentum.

I will make my position known on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019, If I will remain neutral or back Apsana Begum.

Cllr Puru Miah